LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • Team1morecast

    February 5, 2025 at 9:12 am

    You can absolutely learn how to fish inshore in a year. And there are plenty of places you can do well in a kayak. I used a solo skiff (kayak on steroids, 5 hp motor) for 3 years. Launched it out the bed of my truck. Hopedale and Delacroix have a ton of marsh close to the marina that is well suited for kayak anglers. I limited out more than once without ever losing sight of the marina. I also took it to Empire, port sulphur, and grand isle. Just pick your days, keep an eye on the weather if you’re heading towards big water.

    Another tip would be to join a kayak fishing club. Always try to fish with someone who’s better than you, you can learn a lot like that.
