LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • badatfishing

    February 4, 2025 at 11:57 am

    There seems to be some sort of issue with my report that I posted separately so I figured I’d add it here in case the issue with word press isn’t resolved.

    Originally planned to fish Saturday and Sunday but wasn’t able to make it out Saturday.

    I posted asking for advice here last week and received some great advice from Captain Devin and Tuckmd51. Using their advice I fished along the spoil canal in a few bays and bayous.

    Water was clean most places and pretty low. I fished from sunrise to noon and had a falling tide throughout. Wind was out of the East at 6 knots.

    The morning started out slow because it was quite foggy and I opted to stay close to the launch until the fog burned off. At about 8:00 am I felt comfortable to run. At my first two stops down the canal I didn’t get any bites. Eventually I got to the Lake of Second Trees area and began fishing flats along the Northern shore up through Lake Coquille. These areas looked deep on GED but in reality were about 2’ deep with how low the water was. At 9:00am I caught my first fish a 14” red on a 5/16 jig and matrix shad. I continued fishing along these flats and landed 6 reds the largest being 17” and the smallest 14”. I also picked up 6 trout 2 12” fish and 4 between 13” and 14”. At 10:30 I switched tactics and started fishing a deep bayou using a HDS while anchored. From 10:30 to 12:00 I caught 3 bull reds that were 28”, 31”, and 34”. I also caught a 33” black drum. The action was fun for me and I never felt like I should leave and do something different. Im guessing there were better areas to fish out there but I was really having a ball. I’m still learning so I was content with my results.

    In all I had a great time. Ended up catching 9 reds, 6 trout, and 1 black drum. Everything was released.

    Thanks to the community for advice and reports. Yall are helping me learn a ton about inshore fishing.
