LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • Devin

    February 3, 2025 at 7:35 am

    Yeah, and those people will never join LAFB Elite, even though they don’t have the fishing reports to back up their “expertise” or make off the wall claims about trout biology, etc.. Also the same people who were talkin’ mad sh*t about the Taliban in 2021 but somehow missed the war for 20 years. Also the same people who “suPpoRt tEh vEteRaNs” but can’t restrain from saying awful things about me whenever I voice anything that’s remotely sensible about conservation.

    Well, the gloves are coming off today. I woke up pissed off this morning. lol Just hopped out the cold plunge, warmed up and am writing the video script now.
