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  • Boyce

    February 1, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    This is a great report. It really sucks the news you’re delivering though. I think you’re spot on about Lake P and all those other areas with some really deep water nearby. Seems to be the only area that no one has reported a fish kill. I was optimistic at first, and still want to be, but now fish kill reports are just stacking up. It really sucks.

    Sounds like a broken sheer pin on your trolling motor. I’ve been there before doing the exact same thing as you LOL. Pretty easy to change on Minn Kota so I started keeping a 5 pack backup on board.

    “Made my way up the canal to spots 10 – 18 (i think?). The pipeline ROW was blocked off for construction but there was a skiff sized opening I made it through.”

