LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • ShooterMcGrabbin

    January 30, 2025 at 9:13 pm

    New LAFB Lesson: How to make new friends 101

    I grew up with a ton of dudes that became more sucessful than me so that certainly helps.

    Outside of that group, I talk about fishing a ton. My kids school has a bunch of functions, galas, birthday parties, sporting events. When I small talk I’m talking about fishing. I meet all types and if I was looking for new friends with sportfishers here’s what my strategy would be:

    1. Find common ground. Common ground is the foundation of any relationship. We do it subconciously already (they are my age, in my industry, dress like me, whatever). Start with softballs. Where you from? Any kids? What type of work do you do? Then I pivot into, any good fishing in [insert home town]? Or just what do you guys do when you’re not partying at [insert wherever yall are]? If you go on vacation, look for spots with marinas. Walk the dock and strike up a conversation.

    “How many tuna did yall catch today?”

    “I was told the [insert boat name] had the freshest sashimi in town. Is that true?”

    “Are you guys hiring part time deckhands?”

    2. Barter. If you find someone that fishes for pelagics let them know you’ll trade them a fishing / hunting / camp trip (whatever you can offer with whatever you have) for an offshore trip. If you have nothing to offer, lay yourself bare,

    “If you ever need a deckhand…”

    “If you ever need someone to wash the boat…”

    “If you ever need someone to show up with tacos…”

    Just let me know.

    Exchange contact info. Invite them to get togethers. Be friendly.

    3. Be cool. Be flexible, offer to chip in for gas, show up with food/drinks, go out of your way to show your appreciation for the opportunity. Once you guys get comfortable tell them you’d love to do a tournament and if they ever need help to keep you in mind.

    I’ve made a bunch of different friends in random ways and many of those were at my wedding 13 years ago and I’ll be at their funerals.

    Making friends is easy, keeping them gets difficult, especially with a wife/kids/jobs and all of lifes other responsibilities.

    Hope this helps.

    And holler at me if you want to go fishing, I’ll bring tacos. 😉
