LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • ShooterMcGrabbin

    January 28, 2025 at 5:12 pm

    2 questions:

    Do you want these videos to blow up?
    Do you want the youtube videos to drive traffic to the blog or drive revenue?

    If it’s the latter, I think it’s a slippery slope. Most of the guys I know that do content professionally have to do gimmicky stuff to get the algo feeding them to the top (which I know you’re well aware of the digital attention casino).

    There’s 2 guys you should check out, Bama Saltwater (206k subs) & BamaBass (1.07M) on yt.

    They’re different fishing genres but I’ve noticed the algo is rewarding both of them heavily.

    Both have that folksy-southern-aww-shucks-most-viewers-are-probably-wearing-a-XXXXL-Disney-character-t-shirt feel, but Bama Saltwater sort of pivoted from pure inshore to mainly offshore and I think the reason is offshore content gets more views. For me watching (and doing it all my life) it’s the same trip every time -snapper, snapper, trigger, Oh let’s troll for a King, snapper, snapper, B-liner, OH we must’ve hooked an AJ, they’re out of season.

    BamaBass has something like 24 -1M+ videos. And they are nothing special. Bass fishing is obviously the most popular type given they are everywhere. I think where he really killed it was seeing people’s interest in evolving projects. He built a small pond in his backyard and that series blew up. He’s rolling in so much content revenue he bought property and built this 5 acre pond with probably the most amount of electrical surveillance and automation in a 100 mile radius. He sounds like Tom Boddett, but the motel 6 is actually a massive barndominium housing his toys overlooking a stocked pond and hundreds of acres of hunting land.

    I freaking love the long-form uncut fishing trips. It looks like yt algo bumped the move from highly edited content to longform and then tapered the reward system for whatever reason. I think looking at your most popular videos, the trend is around what seems to be transition periods where people are dusting off their center consoles and trying to figure out where the fish are now.

    I find the algo rewards the quirky not everywhere stuff which I feel like you do – i.e. – White poles, what does it mean? / Fish kill 2025 / How to fish for Tripletail / etc. But maybe it’s not gimmicky enough for them. And I feel like they reward consistency. Which….you’ve been uploading every week. I don’t know. I don’t have 5 followers, and you have 15k+ so what do I know?

    Here’s some hairbrain content ideas that I think would do well without the cringe of gimmicks

    -Gnartooth – How I’m Upgrading My Cajun Sightfishing Rig (series)

    -Louisiana Tarpon – Where The Hell are Those Things?

    -Putting Marsh Man Masson in the Dirt

    -Former Fishing Guide – My Worst Client Stories

    -Why Duck Hunting Sucks Nowadays

    -Duck Hunting – Why Are These Kids So Angry All The Time

    -I’m Back – Louisiana Guide Smacks Trout without Dock Kill Shot

    -Dead Shrimp Guides – Biggest Losers on Planet Earth

    -My LAFB Students Have NO Memory / Haven’t Taken The New Inshore 101

    -How I Smacked A 2 Man Limit In Delacroix And WAXED 4 of My Students (w/a guide)

    -Popping Cork Test: Side by Side Comparison

    -Let’s Settle This: Live Bait VS Artificial

    -Hopedale: Does it Slap ORRR Is it Clapped?

    -2 Hours of Idiots Big Motoring Over Where I’m Fishing

    -Fishing Capital of the World: Venice, LA For Beginners

    -Lower Unit Repair After Venice, LA Trip

    -Are Fish in Venice Juicing? Or Just The Ronnies?

    -Venice, LA – How Many Freemans Are There?

    -Chas Champagne: Does That Dude Ever Wear Sunblock?

    -Chas Champagne: Why Does No One Ever Fish Hwy 11 Bridge?

    -Chas Champagne: Giving Away Lake P Reef Spots on Youtube I Had In My Back Pocket


    -Chas Champagne BANNED One of My Students For Hypothetical Youtube Titles In LAFB Forum

    -When Did Gold Spoons Stop Working In The Marsh? Guest: Stanley Fink

    -THE END OF SPORTSMANS PARADISE: Facebook Fisherman & The Armada

    -CURSED FISHING WORDS SERIES: They Were Catchin Em Here Yesterday


    -Docklights: Is It REAL Fishing ORR Cheating?!

    -Community Louisiana Honey Holes Series

    -Why Isn’t My Clicker Working? Fish Clicker Repair

    -I Hate CCA And So Should You

    -Fishing Barometric Pressure And The Idiots That Believe In It

    -Pogey Boats VS ISIS: Who Should We Bomb First?

    -Ty Hibbs: Is He AS COOL In Real Life?

    -Ty Hibbs: Did He Just Catch a State Record Trout on Fly?

    -CHIVOS: How To Spot Poser Fishermen And Cut In Front of Them At The Ramp

    -REDFISH JUBILEE: How Many Fish Do You Need Bruh?!

    -REDFISH JUBILEE: Do Bank Fisherman Know How To Count?

    -Louisiana Fishing Blog 1st Annual Inshore Tournament

    -ICE: Do You Need It For Fish?? We Did a Taste Test

