LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • Devin

    January 26, 2025 at 10:23 am

    “My plan was to fish the bottom of the staircase”

    It makes me so happy to see folks using the lingo. You’ve been doing this for awhile, it just doesn’t get old for me.

    “I figured that fishing as many drains as possible that dumped into the ICW would be our best chance at success.”

    Hell yes it is.

    “I also figured that anywhere with rocks at the mouth of the bayou dumping into the ICW would be ideal.”

    *agreement intensifies

    “we were able to catch and release 46 more slot redfish in this spot”


    You did it! The code’s been cracked. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Holy smokes, that’s a Jubilee in a boat if I’ve ever heard of one. That’s good. Real good.

    see if some reds may be on a big shoreline”

    It’s that lingo again.

    I think this may have been some Speckled Trout”

    It most certainly was. I keep an SD card in my Helix and hold the “mark” button to take a screenshot that’s put as a .png on the SD card. You already knew that, I’m just posting it here for others who are reading and may not know.

    The most boats I saw were in the Geohagen (shocker)”

    Maybe they whacked ’em. Maybe not. Either way, I bet most boats there were just trying known spots rather than moving and fishing the conditions.
