LAFB Elite Community

Discuss inshore fishing with like-minded anglers willing to fish smarter.

  • Devin

    January 26, 2025 at 10:16 am

    You are definitely in the right place. Thank you so much for posting an intro. Be sure to utilize this group and, above all, take time to soak in what I’ve put into 101. IF101 is the water, should you choose to drink. Yes, getting through it is work, but nowhere as much work as I put into it, nevermind the years learning, testing and succesfully applying that knowledge. There’s the hard way and the less-hard way. It’s up to you. The folks who whack the daylights out of the fish tend to be those who’ve taken their time to learn and apply themselves. This Community is icing to 101’s cake. Use both and you will get what you’re looking for.

    Thank you for posting an intro!
