LAFB Elite Community

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  • GreenwaterJon

    August 5, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    Good report, thanks!

    This is my favorite area, too. I strongly agree with Gr8White that the East Biloxi Marsh is an amazing place, vast and mostly unspoiled, with some excellent fishing opportunities. I’m trying to re-learn the northern portions around Grand Pass, Oyster Bay, Creole Gap and Isle au Pitre, so I really appreciate getting reports from this area…

    I live on the water in Slidell, and my trailer used only for short trips to the dealer for maintenance once or twice a year (or emergency hurricane haulout), and it’s barely capable of that, so I come to the East Biloxi Marsh by boat – across Eastern Lake Pontchartrain, through the Rigolets, across Lake Borgne, then usually south into Bay Boudreau at Three Mile Bay and east to Chandeleur Sound. However, I think there’s some incredible potential between Grand Pass and Isle au Pitre, and want to start fishing this area more often. Years ago, I often trailered my boat to Pass Christian and came across to Isle au Pitre and the shell keys that used to lie a few miles southeast of there, but until recently I haven’t been there since before Katrina, so I’m sure there much to learn – thanks again…
