Join our Community

Get advice and talk fishing with anglers just like you

Get advice and talk fishing with anglers just like you

Why Join?

It's a great way to find success on your fishing trips!

You can learn fresh techniques, share experiences and make new friends to go fishing with. On top of that, you can share fishing advice with like-minded anglers, or get tips and ideas on where to go fishing next.

If you come up with a plan like what's taught inside Inshore Fishing 101, then you can share it inside the LAFB Elite Community to get feedback from others who have fished the same area.

How To Join

It's easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Join LAFB Elite to gain access (if you haven't already)
  2. Click the button above
  3. Post an intro saying "hi"
  4. Enjoy the benefits of the community!

These questions ensure that only LAFB Elite members are admitted. They are mandatory and are enforced.

Posting Rules

The rules for LAFB Elite's Community are pretty simple: be nice and keep it related to inshore fishing.

Be Sure To Say "Hi"

Don't be a stranger! Create a post sharing where you're from, where you fish and what you like to fish for. Please do that inside the Introduce Yourself Here Forum and, if you're so inclined, welcome other members to the forum as well. Thank you.

But wasn't there a private Facebook Group?

There sure was! 

But it's been phased out and replaced with the LAFB Elite Community. There are many reasons for this, but the chief reason is that Facebook doesn't suit our needs for an inshore fishing community.

Whereas we want to build a community that serves as a valuable resource to members of LAFB Elite, Facebook is solely concerned with using groups for content their users make for free, to put into their newsfeeds and serve them ads.

What's interesting is that when I announced the new community literally no one complained about the Facebook group being deleted. That's telling in and of itself.

I'm not interested in punching a timecard at Zuckerberg's Attention Factory. I'd rather just talk fishing and help fellow inshore anglers, and I think most everyone else feels the same way, too.

So I made the LAFB Elite Community and hope you take time to participate in it :)

- Devin from Louisiana Fishing Blog
